Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Elliptical Machine Is Now A Coat Rack...

My Elliptical Machine Is Now A Coat Rack...

Ms. Procrastinate here....

  So i'm totally aware that my last post was in February... I have many excuses for this, and yes i'm aware that excuses get me absolutely no where in life, however these will make you laugh.

1) I'm not going to blog today because I just ate 2 boxes of girl scout cookies.
2) I'm not going to blog today because I watched Wipeout on TV and i'm pissed I    
     didn't go to my second audition.
3) I'm not going to blog today because I need to get rid of these hideous tan lines
     instead (And everyone knows you look thinner with a tan)
4) I'm not going to blog today because i'm not feeling very funny... and people  
      who read this expect me to be funny
5) I'm not going to blog today because the Royal Wedding is happening tonight and
     it's a big deal.

   And then there are the real excuses behind all of these lies I tell myself (ie... Who is going to read it anyways, I haven't done a damn thing, I broke my word to myself more times than I can count, etc....)

  So, to not get totally emo and winey I do have some funny stories up my sleeves...

  The last 3 months or so my mom has gotten rid of so much weight that she's giving ME a run for my money!  I was so upset with myself about my whole non-workout non-diet regime that I told her... and I quote, "I'm the Lucy!  You're supposed to stay the Ethel!" Some great supportive daughter I am...

  About a month ago I purchased a used elliptical machine that squeaks like crazy and put it in my room. I thought "If I put it where i'll see it everyday I'll workout all the time!"  Want to know how many times i've used it?  oh many...  I use it to hang my sweaters, belts, jeans, jackets, and clothes that need to hang dry.  I use it as a play thing for my new kitten.  I use it to put things up high enough so that my new kitten can't get to them.  I use it for shopping bags.  I use it for extra hangers I don't want to lose in my closet. I use it for something to lean against when i'm putting on my shoes.  I've even used it to tape my 'to-do list' on so its at eye level!!!  Aaaaaaand (drum roll please...) I've used it a grand total of ONE TIME to workout!  If you're not laughing now, i'm doing plenty of laughing for you.  It's become a ridiculous reminder of how uncommitted I am to getting ready for *big sigh* bathing suit season.

   It's so bad right now I don't even want to commit to saying anything like "This time is different," or "I swear i'll workout tomorrow."  Results speak volumes my friends, and right now i'm sans just that!  I need some major support in this quest for my tone and fit figure back.  So... *deep breathe*, who wants to come workout with me and woop my butt into shape?!

Not mine!  But you get the idea...

1 comment:

  1. So i'm totally aware that my last post was in February... I have many excuses for this, and yes i'm aware that excuses get me absolutely no where in life, however these will make you laugh. sole E35
