Friday, October 22, 2010

OK, I suck

We all suck though. Isn't that how we got ourselves into this predicament anyway? By not doing what we were supposed to do when we were supposed to do it? Taking the easy way out? Pull your head out of the sand, you know you're guilty of it too.
I admit, part of my reason for slacking was because I had my head in a big puffy Timmy cloud. He's the guy I was seeing for like a month and he's everything I've ever wanted and more... except he's 6 1/2 years younger than I am and he's not in a place where he's ready to settle down and I am. Boo fricking hoo. So, I just can't sit around and wait for him to realize I'm the best thing that will ever happen to him, so while he's working on getting his shit together, I can work on getting MY shit together. And if it works out, it works out. If it doesn't, then at least I'll have my shit together and will find someone who is ready to make me happy, even if it's just me.
I do have to say that one of many good things that came out of my relationship with Tim is that he taught me that there really are good, honest guys out there and just being around him made me want to be a better person myself. He recently lost 40 pounds because he stopped smoking pot and playing video games all the time (he's actually a national champion... don't judge me... he's retired from gaming....) and we had similar fitness goals. We both like to hike and we both have always wanted to run a marathon. The difference? He actually goes hiking. And he actually goes running. IMAGINE THAT!
I've realized I'm like the blonde in that joke who swears she hears the voice of God telling her she's going to win the lottery but doesn't understand why she never wins... it's because she never bought a ticket. How in the hell am I supposed to run a marathon, a half marathon, or even a 5K if I NEVER TRAIN? How is "someday" going to happen if I don't put one foot in front of the other and just let the time pass me by watching Golden Girls?
So, I know the point of this blog is to try the various gimmicks out there to see if they actually work and to blog the experiences we have with them. I may pick up a Shake Weight just because I think it's damn funny. Shoot, maybe I'll see if I can find a Thighmaster and do them both at the same time. What a picture THAT would be!
But whatever happens, I need to suck it up and do what I need to do. I think I'll start by cutting out "white" again. White bread, white flour, white sugar and most processed foods. I really DID feel great when I did that before and I lost like 15 pounds in a month. I do have some 72% dark chocolate on my hands in case of an emergency and I can't live without carbs, but I do have some quinoa and 100% whole wheat bread on hand.
Here we go. *raises glass of water* Here's to hoping I can stick to it this time...