Friday, June 3, 2011

Boob Aerobics and Stiletto Workouts

If that title didn't catch your attention I don't know what will....

I don't even remember taking this.
    My trip to vegas is looming ahead of me and i've done little to prepare...story of my life.  When some people think of Vegas it's of good times, drinking until you don't know where you are at anymore, dancing at clubs, meeting interesting people, gambling, pool parties, and stuffing your face with some of the most exquisite food in the world.   When I think of Vegas I think 'OMG I have to get into a bathing suit?!',  'What the hell can I fit into that's Vegas worthy'?! ' I know these shoes are going to kill my feet but i'm wearing them anyways!' 'I hope Tom Selleck is here again, so I won't talk to him and just stare at him from behind a bush in the Bellagio lobby.' And 'If i'm paying $30 for this buffet i'm eating every penny worth!!!'

  Let's face it.... Las Vegas is full of good looking people and the clubs are where you go to see and be seen.  So while I was rampaging through my closet looking for classy *cough slutty cough* attire, a thought occurred to me... Vegas is all about showing your best assets, right?  And to most girls its all about the T and A.  So in some kind of frenzy I found two workouts that target both of those areas!

Workout #1:  The Stiletto Workout

  This is offered at certain alternative gyms and even on DVD.  The main objective is to target your legs and butt by doing weight lifting and cardio in non other than your tallest set of heels!  My thought is 'Why the hell would you want to make going to the gym even more of chore!' (My feet are not heel friendly so I wear them as little as possible)  But apparently its all the rage in beach cities all over southern california, with attendees including all those skinny blonde OC housewives with wedding rings the size of golfballs and boobs bigger than my head.  Most of the places that offer this class also offer pole dancing lessons, and burlesque style workouts.

  So with all my research done on this workout, I thought I would give it a shot.  So with one week left to go before Vegas i'm going to strap on those expensive torture devises and get my workout on.

Workout #2:  Boob Aerobics

  This, unfortunately, is also not a joke.  I came across an article while researching the Stiletto Workout about a gym in London called Gymbox that offers Boob Aerobics. After I dried the tears that were pouring out of my eyes from laughing so hard, I read the entire article twice!  I just couldn't believe it!  This gym is by all standards veeeeeery alternative and also offers Rave Dancing Classes and sometimes uses little people as weights. WTF?!
  This workout focuses on the chest area (duh) and uses very standard methods for woman to achieve their...ummm...goal.  Woman who have taken Boob Aerobics swear by it!  They say that on average they gained a breast size and now have higher firmer ta tas.  Seeing as how i'm just fine with mine, I think i'm going to skip this particular workout.  Last thing I want is bigger knockers.  If anything I want to find a workout to make them magically shrink so that those cute flow-y tops won't make me look pregnant anymore.

I'll let everyone know if I see some drastic results in the week ahead or if I curse the men who made these god forsaken things and throw them all away.  Ta ta for now!

I'm going to leave you with a video about the Gymbox Little People Workout. lol

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