Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm one of "those people."

I HATE those people! The ones who modify the hell out of everything and get really irritated and the ones you just want to stab in the eye with a fork? Yeah, I'm going to have to start wearing sunglasses everywhere to protect myself.
So, how much does this suck? I'm pretty sure I have IBS that is exacerbated by gluten. I don't think I have full blown Celiac disease, but I'm pretty sure I have a textbook case of gluten intolerance. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and I had blood drawn on Thursday morning to figure out with the HELL is going on with my body.
All I know is that for the last month, I've felt like Violet from Willy Wonka. Seriously. I started doing the low fat thing because I was having issues when I would eat fatty foods. I cut down my portions and increased my fruit and vegetable intake. I drank mostly water and coffee and the occasional soda water with lime. I cut down on sugar and was doing mostly sugar free.
Apparently this was all a bad idea. I GAINED like five or ten pounds. Who has two thumbs and was pissed? THIS GIRL!
So, I went to the doctor and here's what I get the JOY of doing for the next few weeks: the rest of this week, still keep low fat, but watch the sugar. And no artificial sweeteners. AND take Benefiber 3 times a day. And eat Activia. AND try to not drink caffeine. Next week: All this crap AND cut out gluten. Easier said than done. Gluten isn't just wheat and soy. It's used as a binding product in a lot of breads and pastas. You know, the good stuff. The week after that? All this bullshit AND cut out dairy (except for the Activia because it's healthier than taking probiotic supplements.) Oh, and I'm supposed to work out at least 30 minutes a day.
So, basically what I've figured out is that my body hates processed stuff. I feel better when I have salads (dressing on the side, no croutons, no cheese) and brown rice (white rice processes like sugar in your body) or quinoa, oats, eggs, etc. I can still eat meat (praise JESUS!) but I have to keep it as lean as I can, which means little beef.
So, I'm going to lose weight. I have no choice. It's a matter of health and the fact that I'm not supposed to eat all of my go-tos (ice cream, cookies, cheeseburgers, fries, mountain dew, chocolate, etc) is going to force me to re-learn how to manage my stress. Plus, these are the things I usually consume without thinking, so now I'll actually have to think about it. And say no. What a novel fucking idea.
Oh, and one more thing? Detoxing to get all this crap out of your system sucks ass. I had a headache for three hours today and finally got a half a cup of coffee because I'm pretty sure it was because of the lack of caffeine. A girl had some extra Lindor truffles in her desk and they were white chocolate. She doesn't like white chocolate. But I do. I had one. Shortly after the coffee. This was a few hours ago. I can't tell if I'm hungry right now, or if I feel like crap from those things. Dah!!! But, it's 8:00 now and I should probably go make dinner for Adidas and I, so I guess I'll have my answer soon!