Saturday, July 13, 2013

The HCG Diet And Licking Sugar Cookies

This is my second bout with this diet and i'm going to be honest... There is a lot to love and hate about it.  If you don't know what it is, here's the low down: Take the HCG drops 3 times a day and only eat 500 calories a day for 3 weeks.  Then for another 3 weeks after that NO SUGAR and NO BREAD.  There are a TON of food restrictions so that way you can get down to weighing less than a ton.  That's the diet in a nutshell.  And if you scroll down to my last blog I posted you'll see that the last time I posted ANYTHING was the last time I was on this diet!  Horrible... but moving on...

The first time I did this diet over a year ago I was in hell.  I was working in a restaurant and had to smell all the yummy goodness I couldn't eat 5 days a week.  The one thing that kept me from sticking my face straight into a fondue pot full of cheese was the fact that every day I got up and weighed myself, I was 2lbs less than the day before.  Overall I lost 15lbs.  You may ask, "If you lost that much weight back then why are are you doing it again?"  Well let me tell you... I thought to myself that since i'm thin and happy now I can eat whatever I want.  Any fat that was left in my body multiplied at the speed of light with that thought, and came back with a vengeance this summer.

So here I am again... whenever I tell people what the diet consists of they either say i'm either out of my mind or the diet must be horrible for me. Yadda yadda yadda... I don't care. I literally just got rid of 9 pounds in 6 days.  Find me another diet that makes me lose weight this fast!  Thank god i'm not the only one doing this right now either... Bear Fox Trot is in the fox hole with me too on this thing so it's nice to have some support.

My Dinner
My Lunch

Salsa is your friend on this diet.

This diet comes with a lot of challenges.  Like I said before there are a ton of food restrictions.  My meals consist of spinach with lemon and pepper under grilled chicken with some spices added.  Or crab with cucumbers and salsa. Nowadays my shopping list has decreased to only buying about 7 items when I go to the grocery store.  The other day I found myself running past the wine and liquor isle. If I had stopped for even a second you would have found me sitting on the floor drinking straight out of a chardonnay bottle like a baby.  That's right NO ALCOHOL.

Food that fell from heaven...
Not to mention that in that same shopping trip I got caught doing something a lot of people might think odd.  In order to get to the produce section at the grocery store I have to walk through the bakery.  My vice (along with a many other things) is those damn sugar cookies.  You know the ones that look like they fell straight out of Channing Tatum's gorgeous abs?  Ya those ones.  So i'm walking by minding my own business when I look over and see them sitting there so innocently... Any sane person would have kept walking to healthy haven.  What do I do? Pick up a box and smell them.  That's right... I smelled them... I drank in that oh so wonderful scent with my eyes closed and a look of sheer bliss on my face.  I would have even gone as far as to lick the box had I not been interrupted by a nosy broad shooting me the 'WTF are you doing?' glare.  I quickly returned to box to its place on the shelf and ran over to the vegetables wondering where my self respect and will power went.  When I got home I seriously considered calling a friend and telling them i'd pay good money if they did my grocery shopping from now on.

I'm leaving you today with a picture of the last meal that I had the day before I started this crazy diet.  And yes.... I consider it a meal.
I'm the one on the left :-)

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