Saturday, January 29, 2011

Damn you Parks and Recreation!

I have a big win I'd like to share with everyone! I actually got up at the butt crack o' dawn to go do my usual (not so often) run of the loop. This trail is a kick your butt, up hills, gravel, dirt, and concrete kind of run. It's not easy and it's about 3.54 miles according to my pedometer. For the past 3 months or so my hang up with going is that my old mp3 player busted. No music=no running. That was excuse numero uno. Now that I have a brand new shiny little ipod nano I didn't have that excuse anymore. Last night when I was getting all my running stuff together I realized how shoddy my shoes were looking and thought "It's not good that I'm running in these old shoes anymore. They scrape up the backs of my heel, they're no longer comfortable, aaaaaand they look like crap." Excuse numero dos.

However, this time I made a right choice and went running anyway despite my feet yelling at me the whole time. Ya it hurt, but so what? They'll thank me later when I get my tax return and a brand new pair of shoes from Snails Pace.

All was going well for the first 3 miles of my run... I was jogging along to the tunes of Chevelle, BEP, Foo Fighters, and Michael Jackson when I was stopped short by a big green gate at the top of the hill. WHAT?! Now mind you this gate is supposed to be unlocked and swung wide open from the hours of sunrise to sunset. What the hell was it doing closed at 9:45am?! And on a Saturday?! With no entry up into the hills, and the favorite part of my run (it has a kick ass view of the top), this meant that I had to run all the way around the golf course adding an extra mile and a half! (You bet your ass when I got to my car I drove back the way I had run to see how much farther that damn closed gate made me go.)

So after about a 30 second hissy fit and a quiet chuckle at the girls who were trying to climb over the gate I kept on trucking down the hill instead. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought! Aaaaaand I did the whole loop in under an hour, which ain't bad for not having been active in over 3 months.

The lesson: Sometimes the harder way isn't so hard after all. It's as hard as you make it. So take the stairs instead of the elevator and dare yourself to park farther away from the store when you go shopping.

And there was a bonus for running farther down the hill... Garage Sale. :-)

The view I didn't get to see today thanks to Fullerton Parks and Recreation. Lazy asses...

Friday, January 28, 2011

2011 Already?! Crap

I have the name Ms. Procrastinate for a reason! Since November 1st i've been doing that thing where I blog in my head but never actually sign in and publish it. (I even had to reset my password today because I couldn't even remember it!) Just so everyone is caught up here, I am going to tell you what all of the titles to my posts were going to be with a short description.

Oh Turkey Day, Oh Turkey Day!
I was going to talk about how proud I was about myself that I didn't eat everything in sight and didn't even go for seconds.... of the food that is... the vino is another story.

My new vino obsession and how I purchased roughly 11 bottles of it over the holiday season.

Dear Santa, I can explain...

This is where I was going to right about how bad I was all year when it came to dieting and exercising. (At this point it had been about 2 months since i'd gone running or did any kind of working out.)

Have I ever kept a New Years Resolution?... No.

This is the one where I was going to talk about how tallying up all of new years resolutions I kept came up with a fat grand total of ZERO.

Then there was this one... A MID-MID LIFE CRISIS AT 30.
Plain and simple.... Vegas destroyed me.

And this one is more recent so i'll expand on it a little...

2011 marked the year that I would turn 30. I had traveled up to Las Vegas with some close friends of mine and went crazy... not so much in the party sense (even though there was a lot of that) but in the over indulgence of food and drink. Its Vegas after all and the alcohol flowith and buffets are bountiful.

On my actual birthday I was walking around the strip with my friend's Margarita Guitar (a hollowed out guitar filled to the brim with the sweet goodness of tequila and margarita mix... it even came with a strap). Needless to say 3 sips of that thing probably was a normal persons calorie intake for a day. An hour later we were at The Chandelier Bar in The Cosmopolitan having more drinks... then more drinks.... theeeeeeen more drinks. My snack before a very hefty Italian dinner was a crepe from Jean Foofy Pants (can't remember the name, but its in the Bellagio next to the chocolate fountain). Then more drinking at Tao Nightclub. This is when my mid-mid life crisis hit and I was a MESS. But this isn't the worst part....

The next morning my friends and I went to our hotel's buffet brunch. After about 30 minutes in line and a 30 second dash around the food court I had about 3 plates sitting in front of me, a cup of coffee, and a mimosa. And I ate every single bite! Cheese blintzes, sausages, and eggs Oh My! (Speaking of The Wizard of Oz... I still to this day don't remember leading my friends on a wild goose chase for a train through the MGM that Friday night) Anyways... After all that food I sampled about 5 different desert thingys... My excuse for all of this? I wanted to get my friend Darla's money worth. Let's be honest... Bellagio's buffet is good, but it's freaking expensive.

The consequence for all of that... 5 extra pounds! Gah! Was it worth it you might ask... yes and no. The weeks leading up to my birthday I could have taken measures to avoid the weight gain I knew was inevitabe in Vegas. I could have detoxed. I could have gone running. I could have even drank more water! Did I do any of that... HELL NO! So now I'm back to where I was 3 months ago and 5 pounds farther away from my goal weight. Lesson learned: When you know you're going to do something where a binge is going to happen take the neccesary steps to avoid major weight gain. Be smart about it and plan ahead.

So this year there will be no more 'Head Blogging,' no more sitting on my butt all day before work, and no more drink and food binges. This is not a new years resolution folks... this an every day, week, and year SOLUTION.